
But it’s normal for low-order intelligent people not to know this title … "Smoke posture soon found a reason for himself.

A few minutes later, after the spirit, the command gathered around the volcano, and Ant Man ants and beasts were away like a flood.
All the members of the Tongtian famine group looked at Xu tui in a dreamy way!
What the fuck is this?
The victim fled to a brainwave and Xingyuan was almost dead.
第七百二章 大型社死现场价值
To capture them, forget it.
Holding a skyfire charm in his hand is not a captive at this stage.
Regardless of the emergency call for help, it is possible to forcibly kill the prisoners without considering the beacon factor.
If you can’t kill the French prisoners, you can’t let them go. It’s a bit tricky
Putting three transmutations around the brainwave star, one of which is close to the quasi-planet strength, is a disaster if it doesn’t matter.
But if you send someone to keep an eye on it, you won’t be able to wash it if you are weak
You have to leave at least one quasi-planet, two transmutations and four evolutions in place. You can rest assured by staring at it here.
But the problem is that in this way, half the strength of the barren land will be contained here, and the physical strength will not be strong.
There is also a key problem. In fact, smoke posture can in turn threaten to retreat.
The emergency call for help in her hand is too beacon to trigger, which is a disaster for Tongtian Special Combat Team.
However, Yanzi’s silly girl’s thinking is to detonate the emergency call for help for the time being, which makes Xu retreat afraid to storm or hurt them.
But I didn’t expect this move to threaten to retreat them.
Once you are figured out by this gu Liang, you will have a headache.
At that time, Xu retired and couldn’t make up his mind, so he called a core meeting at the first time.
The so-called core of Xu’s retreat is the five people who step into the clear autumn, An Xiaoxue, Qu Qingshan, Wen Shao and Yan Lie.
I can’t make a refund. It’s just a little narrow. I prefer to believe that I know people well.
For example, Mr. Wen Shaowen had a lot of unhappiness when he was at Huaxia University of Genetic Evolution, but he was one of our own after all.
Tell Dali that brothers and sisters in a family quarrel very hard and sometimes fight, but they are still brothers when they are finished!
Chinese people are a family.


"Not mature"

Su Wei smiled and said, "Not only is the body mature, but the heart is also ripe."
Zhou Zhiruo gave Sue a blank look and asked, "I’m serious. You’re just … um … a booty call, right? Anyway, I’m not going to marry you. I’ve devoted my life to Emei Sect as a good girl like Chihiro. Why don’t you stay with her?"
"Because I have me"
Su Wei explained, "I want to start a career now."
Zhou Zhiruo asked, "Is Limit OL so important?"
"Of course"
Sue said goodbye to her idealism. Now "Limit" OL is going well, but if I want to appear in reality, I have accumulated enough truth …
But the truth is consumed all the time, and no amount can be too little.
Or is the whole limited world completely arrival in the whole reality.
On any need is the degree of truth.
How can he have time to fall in love?
Doesn’t it smell good now?
Is Zhou Zhiruo not cooperative enough or the training is not in place?
As pretty as a blank sheet of paper, the widow doesn’t know anything about the bed. Su Wei said it was common sense for men and women to have sex, and she really thought it was common sense. No matter how shy she is, she still obediently cooperated. Even if she noticed something was wrong, she was too shy to ask much.
Moreover, the tacit understanding between the two people does have a good impression on each other, and it is not too cool to play this game without getting married.
"Well, maybe I’m not as familiar as you. I went to teach Qing Xuan. It’s a pity that this girl was played by you two groups."
Zhou Zhiruo sighed and pushed the door and went out.
That’s her Emei brother. Who cares if she doesn’t care?
As Snow Chihiro entered Lingyun Cave … It is conceivable that she would never come out easily without half a month this time.
In particular, although a skill was destroyed, what was the original name that was inseparable from the unique skill?
To put it bluntly, Wan Jian can absorb the true qi around him, and the great move of Gan Kun can stimulate the human potential. Snow Chihiro is undoubtedly in a state of being strong when she meets strength, so naturally she is not worried that she will be killed halfway.
And Snow Chihiro left.
Su Wei’s only expectation here is probably Shi Qing’s reply.
Although wu-tang clan appeared because of the demand of Shiyan, Su Wei wanted to maximize his interests on a whim
But in fact, even if there is no Shiyan Su Wei, there is already another clan plan after Yunlan Zong.
Is it the trial cycle that stumbles the awakening country?
That’s not Su Wei’s style.


"These are exorcism symbols, which can exorcise evil spirits and break demons, and the strangeness in your place can also be expelled."

Take out a gourd of Dan medicine again
"And this, this is the true Yang Dan, a total of twelve pills can be used to treat and supplement the true yuan wonderful number."
Fu Xia cool is really blood these things Yang Xiu suddenly knew that he owed the teacher elder sister don’t know how many people.
Fu Xia cool as if took a deep breath and said
"Dangdang Dangdang is the most valuable!"
Say that finish, he took out a golden ofuda, which has several Lei Guang dazzling.
Yang Xiu felt dangerous and terrible when he saw it.
"This is Fu Bao’s five thunder golden lights!"
Yang xiu gasped at the air-conditioning FuBao!
This is a well-known treasure in the world of cultivating immortals. Then the real person refined the enemy during the foundation period.
This FuBao is worth tens of thousands of LingShi less.
You know, Fu Xia’s cool thirty lingshi depends on the elder sister to borrow it. What does it mean to him?
"This this is too precious? Did you sell yourself? "
Fu Xia Liang shook his head and said, "This is the only thing my parents left me."
I ended up relying on the biggest money
But big brother needs to give it to big brother! "
Yang xiu wants to say something!
Fu Xialiang shook his head and said, "You are me, I am you, everyone, me, everyone. Don’t talk nonsense!"
Yang xiu couldn’t say anything, but hugged Fu Xia coolly.
This is really a lot of money!
Fu Xia cool and said
"Now I’m broke and in debt.
Don’t be idle, brother suo and second brother.
I got a big Styx test!
You all have to come with me to earn me lingshi. "
Yang Xiu said, "No problem, you must go!"
"That Styx trial is an underground river. Everything is in a dark state. That’s our home court. No problem!"
Yang Xiu brought these Fu Dan back to his own world.
They contain a lot of reiki, and there will be no damage when they are transferred here, but some Fu Dan are a little dim.
Eldest brother will leave tomorrow and Yang Xiu will go to see eldest brother.
"Eldest brother, let me tell you something!"
"What is it, Third Brother?"
"Eldest brother, I have some channels to get something to help you through the trial."
"Well, this channel must be careful not to expose it."
Yang Xiuqing didn’t care what good things Yang Xiu got.
"eldest brother, this is a boundary-breaking operator test, and there are often enchantment traps and ambush methods.
This operator can break the boundary and break the enchantment circle … "
Yang Xiuqing immediately frightened him and immediately knew that this was a good thing.
"This is the way puppet can exercise it in the middle of the trial.
Yang Xiuqing’s face can’t stop changing and he is getting very excited.
Especially the last FuBao five thunder golden light!
Although he doesn’t know what this Fubao is, he can feel its terrible power.
"Third brother, where are you …"
"Come on, don’t tell people, including me!
I should be able to survive the trial with them! "
Speaking of which, Yang Xiuqing actually cried.
In fact, he is also under great pressure and doesn’t know if he can come out alive.
Is to pretend to be indifferent in front of relatives!
The next day, Yang Xiuqing was still worried about seeing Yang Xiu off.


"Differential Attack City … I’m afraid it’s finished!"

HuoFu even completely finished!
The last explosion, even if it is super superior, can’t live to Huofu, even if it has been razed!
Chapter 55 Recruitment
Tree house
Angie leaned against the wall, tried her best to swallow a pill, closed her eyes and silently nursed back to health.
for a long time
With a sigh, he slowly opened his eyes and his eyes became turbid, adding a bit of taupe wooden scar.
The shriveled back of the hand also appears like veins stood out.
"It seems that in a few years, I will be in the arms of the forest mother god."
"Well …"
"Mother God is afraid of not caring for this desperate world."
Low mumbling two words he looked at the door embattled Zhou Jia slow way
"Brother Zhou has nothing to ask?"
"You" Zhoujiakou
"Will I be in trouble if I save you?"
"…" Angie opened her mouth and said something, but still.
"I’ve been given blood and medicine, and now my goal has been achieved. It’s reasonable to say that it’s all the same, but it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t kill people."
"But don’t worry!"
His tone continued
"I will leave Huojiabao in two days, and there will be no more trouble then."
"From Huojiabao?" Zhou Jia turned around
"Where do you want to go?"
Angji, the "Hongze domain", looks forward to the Oriental eye.
"In fact, I’m going to Hongzeyu after I get out of the Baron, but the road is more difficult than I thought, so I can stay in Huojiabao."
"Now is the right time to start again."
"I’ve heard of it" Zhou Jia nodded.
"It is said that it is a pure land far from chaos, but it is too far away and I don’t know the way. How are you going to get there?"
"Pure land?" Angie’s conscious pie mouth
"Some of the barons didn’t leave them to spend the cold months in places like tree houses before the cold months."
"Now that the cold month is over, we should start soon. I’ll go with them."
Zhou Jia opened his mouth to speak, and the tree house suddenly trembled, and a series of earth roars swept from the direction of the city.
The roar was deafening.
Two people stop stopped and cheer up.
The danger is far from retreating.
The chaos lasted from night to the next day until the white-haired wind blew into the huge Huojiabao and once again became a sea of white strange winds.
Fierce beasts, monsters, walkers …
In the white-haired wind, the seemingly gentle force blows and melts many bones one after another.


"Not being original and cursing you" Lingqing Road

"Yesterday a hexagram is Lin Xiaoniang please, but this cause is still in the coach.
You two deserve to have children because of your illness.
It’s the coach who hides the magic gas, but it’s a hindrance to Lin Xiaoniang. She’s so tired that you suffer. "
Lin Chongwen’s face changed. He has been studying at home since childhood.
Ten martial arts are all proficient in killing and killing, and they are also a little familiar.
However, it happened that the theory of self-cultivation kung fu could not be learned.
It’s not that you can’t learn kung fu, learn the truth and understand it, but you just can’t practice it
He wasted ten years trying to find a thousand ways, but it remained the same.
No nai, that’s the only way to practice martial arts. I agreed to coach Zhang’s matchmaking and married coach Zhang’s daughter. Now Lin Xiaoniang.
Chapter six hundred and twenty-four Yuan Ling Zhen Xing
Now I hear Lingqing say that Lin Chong, who has a magic spirit in his body, can’t help thinking of the scene when he practiced.
Every time he feels it, the breath disappears abruptly.
Moreover, it is not only his eyes that receive a fist stick, but also his disciple Cao Zheng.
In the imperial army, he often seems to have no such situation as two people.
It is precisely because of this that he accepted Cao Zheng as a disciple, which is actually to teach some kung fu to make brothers.
He listened to Lingqing’s revelation of this section and immediately respectfully asked, "Does the immortal know that this magic gas is coming?"
Not only he Cao Zheng, Lin Xiaoniang and Brocade are also eager to look at Lingqing.
"It was your past life that provoked the magic industry. This life is to pay off debts." Lingqing ordered a little Cao Zhengdao. "You are also a general appearance.
You two had brotherhood in your previous life and caused disasters together. You have to suffer a lot in this life to get rid of it.
Not only that, but also my family. "
"Wan Wangxian saved this magic gas!" Lin Chong and Cao Zheng both heard the news and immediately fell to the ground with a change of complexion.
Both of them lost their parents, and even their relatives walked away.
After all, it’s nothing new for parents to die early these days.
But both parents died suddenly in their prime.
I just can’t help thinking that once I have a reason, I feel that everything can be done and everything has been explained.
At this time, the two people had the idea that their parents’ death was hindered by the magic gas of the body
But this is not wrong, especially when your mother is pregnant and puts a magic star in her stomach in October.
How can we survive if there are no major events and deep blessings?
Therefore, the closer the parents and relatives are to this evil star, the more they will punish him.
On the contrary, it is better to be far away.
"This magic gas is your past life being original, but it’s not that broken." Lingqing shook his head. "But being original is a method that can make you control this magic gas on your own.
At that time, you can condense it into a martial soul. If you can experience Qian Fan in the future, you can still keep your loyalty and morality in your heart.
You can’t turn a fiend into a happy ending, but you can get some merits and blessings. "
"Lin Chong and Cao Zheng dare to ask the immortals to grant magic." Lin Chong heard the news and bowed down.
"It’s good to say that you two will come to you when you’re at home waiting for being original three times a day," ordered Lingqing.
"Then I will wait for the immortal to drive in the villain’s house." Lin Chong said.
Then he went to the meeting and bid farewell to Ling Qing again and again, leaving with his wife and brother.
Lingqing looked at the gloomy sky, and even there was going to be a heavy snow in early winter tonight.
The fashion for him to enter this world is that the snow and ice gradually disappear in spring and March.
They stayed in Shijinzhuang for several months and didn’t say goodbye until mid-July.
I watched it for more than a month until I left Shaohua Mountain after the Mid-Autumn Festival.
It’s early September in Mengzhou City.
I spent more than a month in the happy forest and the cross slope. So far, it has been a winter moon.
Lingqing went all the way back to Yue Temple and allocated him a squatter room. After class, she regarded herself as herself.
Now he has warmed up the five zang and five fu houses. It’s time to refine the true shape of the five qi.
It’s been more than two years since Lingqing started to build a temple in Yinshan World.
Warm up the five zang-organs according to other people’s body, and always shorten the time of opening the temple.
After all, the five zang-organs’ throughput is limited, and every day, there are only so many five zang-organs’ qi.
It takes years and years to concentrate the five spirits on the mansion.
However, Lingqing is different.


Dilk Mo’s breath became disordered, and his sudden strength became more and more violent.

And when it reached an extreme, everything calmed down.
Dilk Mo’s breath has become normal.
It seems that the power of the outbreak has also become peaceful.
Even the Mo people in Dilk are really calm down.
The total head of the’ Knights of the Roses’ sat there with some eyes become speechless.
"This force has not been collected by me?"
"How is that possible?"
A sense of unease rose from the bottom of the head of the Knights of Roses.
He no longer went to see the ring, and he didn’t find that several people were quietly watching and looking at him.
And the first battle in the ring is over.
But it’s not a flurry of fighting
But full of’ etiquette’
Well, after a gram-
Hodis’s figure flashed in front of Goethe, and most people couldn’t keep up with this speed field. They could see that Hodis seemed to teleport in front of Goethe.
Raise your arm and clench your fist like a hammer, and swing it towards Goethe.
Goethe, on the other hand, did not move in situ and raised his hand with a punch.
The dull break made the audience closest to the ring feel scalp pins and needles.
Hodis is even more horrified.
As a direct face, he can feel how terrible Goethe’s power is.
But Hodis didn’t dodge.
Or …
He can’t dodge!
Once you dodge, you will be exposed!
Can brimming with Hodis a grind so by such a punch body at the same time oneself also punched Goethe’s body.
Goethe’s original body shook slightly in the same ring, while Hodis stepped back seven steps as if struck by lightning. After it was hard to stand, Goethe [unarmed combat (Extraordinary II)] gave an additional attack. When Hodis’s body raged, the other party suddenly turned white and took a step back again.
One mouthful blood just gushed out, and then Hodis stumbled to the ground.
However, the commander of the Order of the Roses was not in a coma. He reluctantly got up and looked at Goethe in a very difficult tone and said, "I lost!"
Simply throw in the towel and Hodis left the ring.
Field crow
People were very surprised to see that the first competition ended like this.
Not as fierce as I thought
There is no speculation that it has been fighting for a long time.
It’s a punch swap and it’s over


"Then this is our chance! Moreover, at present, the intelligence is that there are two delivery channels for asteroid 1142, except that the strength of this asteroid is very limited, and we have to use this delivery channel to jump out of the encirclement, "Xu said.

"But if there are nine WeiHang star strong? Are you ok? " This is the most worrying question for Ulla. After asking this question, Ruan Tianzuo also looked up.
"Kill Jiuwei?"
Xu tui smiled and gave everyone a positive answer. "Of course, although there is a price to pay, I can afford it if I don’t fight continuously!"
When this statement comes out, everyone has an inexplicable confidence or stability.
Because of the expedition, the biggest problem in this strange star field is that people can defeat the nine satellite stars, which has always been like a mountain on the top of people’s heads, making them feel breathless.
It is said that killing Jiuwei before Xu retired also paid a huge price.
At this time, everyone has some confidence in the future.
After all, we have the strength to slay Jiuwei. If we were not surrounded by a bunch of Jiuwei, it would be no problem.
"Well, there will be the last day of practice when we will be close to the asteroid Bear 1142. Before that, I have sent you the source crystal seized from Planet Y.
I hope you don’t skimp on practicing hard and consume it to turn these source crystals into strength as soon as possible.
Otherwise, when you die, I’m afraid these source crystals will have to belong to the enemy. "Xu’s little joke has brought great pressure to everyone."
At that time, I worked hard to practice.
In fact, a lot of people were captured on planet Y, but not many people in the expeditionary army had a dimension chain.
Xu retired an xiaoxue, a smoky pose, a hula, a Muxingluan Lizhen, and said that Xue would like to start Qu Qingshan, Miao Huanshan, Wen Shao and Yan Lie with the help of An xiaoxue.
But their dimensions are very small, about two to five cubic meters.
There are three people who can carry extra materials: Xu tui, An Xiaoxue and Yan Zi.
Most of all the captured Y planets have been discarded.
Took away some medicine, some Eldar equipment and some food from the source crystal.
The source crystal has a total of 130,000 grams.
In addition to reserving 40,000 grams of source crystals for the emergency of the expeditionary force, other source crystals were sent to 3,000 to 5,000 per capita.
Otherwise, we will continue to increase our strength in the expedition.
Up to now, I have a clear strategy in my mind-to fight and support the war!
If all goes well, he may be able to practice a lot of killing gods with these people!
On November 15th, 2014, Blue Star Calendar, the first batch of Eldar reinforcements arrived at Planet Y from the surrounding planet. The commander of this team was an Eldar Major-General Tarshishen, who was a strong star.
He was the commander of more than a dozen asteroid field garrison commands around, but Planet Y was not in his sector.
But at the first moment of the accident, I took people to Y planet with heavy turnover.
In order to speed up the physical crossing, I arrived at Planet Y at the first time.
The northern star domain is an Eldar Liu Xingyu. These young people have been through the war, and occasionally the star pirates are also tinkering around the edges.
When Tashichen saw thousands of rotting bodies at the command base of Planet Y, he almost didn’t spit them out on the spot.
However, several genera of him spit it out!
It’s not that they haven’t experienced war, but it’s the first time they’ve seen such a tragic battlefield.
Soon Tashichen reported all the information of Planet Y to the main star of Ursa major.


Loudaogao was silent for a long time and gawked at the huge pyramid in front of him.

"It’s so beautiful here …" Lou Gaogao sighed.
"Even if you give your life to protect it."
"Let me help you," Lou Dagao patted his chest. "I will build the greatest building in the world from the manor!"
Zhuang smiled not far away. I was waiting for you!
Made a decision about how big the building is, and asked Zhuang not far from the front.
"Master Zhuang, you just said that you knew where the enemy would invade?"
"Yes, the crack in the manor is fixed at the end of the road."
"What, you want to dig a moat instead of digging a trap in the crack?"
Zhuang blinked not far away.
Blink again.
Stunned for a long time.
Then Zhuang was not far from crying by himself.
The next day, Zhuangyuan signed an agreement with Lou Dagao, and Zhuangyuan became a major shareholder of a company in Lou Dagao Tuanqi with technology and capital.
This company is called "Louda Gaolou Construction Building Materials Company"
A mouthful is enough to make foreigners cry.
Many people laughed when the name was announced, but they didn’t know what surprises this company would bring to the world.
Now that we are not far from the village, we took the building around the manor, introduced the important people and races of the manor, and showed him some special objects and materials in the manor
Cheng Lou Da Gao is in a state of excitement and trance. Although he has accepted this setting, it is still difficult to accept it.
After many days, the buildings were soaked in the manor, and it was not far from the manor that the architect did not know what he was studying.
However, the suggestion of building a big building can be said to make up for the last short board of manor defense
Around the crack, a huge pothole was dug out, and the trap was dug into a huge war dog that day.
In the manor, all the war dogs were restricted from flying in France. The war dog was trapped in the pit like helping small animals.
Xu Jianfei wanted to persuade them to interrogate some information, but the owner of this war giant dog was obviously not a good-tempered person. They fired several bursts at random in the pit, and they didn’t hurt anyone. Then they crashed and burst into pieces in the pit.
The giant dog of the Stone Hammer City War actually blew itself up.
After the trap was proved to be effective, the moat was finally partially filled with water.
The manor said, "Congratulations to the owner of Renci Manor for repairing part of the fortification of Lanshiye Manor City-the moat and upgrading it. This fortification meets the requirements of the Covenant of’ Building God’s Power’. Should it be included in the Covenant of Manor?"
Still talking? Of course I chose yes.
Then another line appeared.
"The current turbulent moat (the current water volume is 2%) has additional attributes: manor owner Weili +1 armor +2 or all servants armor +1"
"The continuous increase in the amount of water in the moat can increase the property of the moat. The manor owner Weili +3 armor+or all servants Weili +1 and armor +1"
"At present, there are three property buildings. Please make persistent efforts. If you have ten property buildings, you can complete the Covenant, achieve’ great buildings’ and reward the palace drawings (stone walkers go to the palace)."
Since then, the defense line of Lanshiye Manor has finally been restored.
Not far from Zhuang, it also means that the manor will look back and worry about fighting back formally!
Four giant war dogs stand side by side outside Lanshiye Manor.
Fifty farm servants, soldiers, farm labourers and employees of different races stood in front of the war giant dogs and hung big red flowers on their chests.
One by one, high morale and full of energy.
But these four giant war dogs are different in size, and the patches are not awesome in any way.
This is the second time that the manor captured four giant dogs belonging to the rogue war
After a few days of rumbling, the old man erased their easy-to-identify signs and repaired these war dogs as much as possible
It’s these war dogs-old rumbling words-that just walk in rags.
"These are the oldest generations of war dogs. The technology is very immature and the maintenance is really bad. I really don’t know what ruins these rogues got from and how to make them move … I’m really worried that these things will blow themselves up when they run …"
Xu Jianfei consciously thought of the giant dog that blew up the war in the pothole and suddenly sweated, "Will this thing really explode?"
"Don’t say discouraging words! This is swearing! "
Not far from Zhuang, I slapped Xu Jianfei and Lao Bang away.
"Come on, let’s levy the era of exile and let our enemies tremble in our hands!"
After the swearing-in, everyone parted with the giant dogs of the Four Wars.
The giant dog of the Four Wars rumbled to the edge of the manor.
Not far from Zhuang, a corrugated passage appeared at the boundary of the manor with blue stone leaves.
"Master Zhuang, I’ll take someone out to explore the road first. Please wait a moment before you come out!"
Xu Jianfei rushed out with several soldiers riding motorcycles. After a few minutes, Xu Jian flew out of the border and waved his hand not far from Zhuang.
Four giant war dogs crouched down and sneaked out of the manor.
Zhuang is not far from the war giant dog, which is the largest and most intact one, and walks at the end.
This giant war dog has undergone many modernizations and installed a large number of cameras on its surface.
"Master Zhuang, look!" A servant pointed to a camera in the back.
Not far from Zhuang, I saw a small stone coming out of the manor with the giant dog of war.


There are six wounds and three tails … Master Gu Han of tian hu, Kyubi no Youko once said that there are several fierce demon families in Shushan, including Kyubi no Youko tian hu, who are very few of the demon families who have the opportunity to survive the apocalypse.

Demons are not as good as people by nature, but in Shu Mountain, the number of people who fix the truth in Dalian is much worse than that in Dalian, and they also have great power. The success rate is much lower than that of those who fix the truth.
Don’t think so much. I remember that Master Gu Han once said that Kyubi no Youko and tian hu cultivated three tails, which is equivalent to the master of the human elixir period. After Xiaotian’s robbery, having four tails can achieve the goal that the master of the Yuan infant period can truly transform into a human form.
What’s going on here? It seems that nine tails have been cut off, and six tails are left, and now it’s strange to want Du Jie! !
Just then, I saw the huge golden fox that had just climbed there, and slowly got up. This Kyubi no Youko tian hu is about the second floor high, and its body is not as high as its huge tail.
Suddenly this Kyubi no Youko tian hu looked up at Wentao’s side and suddenly moved …
It’s not good for Wentao to turn over and fall from the side. He moves fast. Then Kyubi no Youko tian hu is faster and rushes to the front in a turn. He goes around Wentao and falls to the ground one step earlier than Wentao.
I knew it was not good to watch the excitement, which got me into trouble. Kyubi no Youko tian hu’s huge body was amazing
It’s a pity that Wentao is used to big scenes, and tian hu, who was just about to cross Xiaotian to rob Kyubi no Youko, was not taken in stride.
"I’m really sorry to bother you by passing by." Wentao smiled and handed over without any fear.
In the eyes of anger, the claws have been raised to reveal the dangers. Kyubi no Youko tian hu was shocked to see Wentao’s performance. This person is an ordinary person who can be so calm without being surprised.
"Do I believe you when you say you’re passing by this deceptive trick? Who are you?" A charming limit is reminiscent of poverty and charm to the bone.
Wentao felt a dizzy moment in his mind, just like falling into the limited tenderness. The sound had an irresistible charm. Suddenly, all kinds of fantasies appeared. Wentao was about to open his mouth and suddenly his heart was alert … This is a fantasy. With his mental vigilance, his body started to run rapidly, and a aura scattered from Wentao.
"Break …" Just like a dream bubble being punctured, Wentao instantly wakes up.
The whole person trembled and knew that he was almost on the road. It was a natural race with charm. Ordinary words have such great power.
"Ah …" Kyubi no Youko and tian hu were also surprised to see that Wentao was not charmed by himself.
"Hum!" Wentao came to laugh and disappeared, and looked at this Kyubi no Youko tian hu with a cold hum. "You just killed me, but now you are confusing me with seductive sounds. Kyubi no Youko tian hu, you are just going to trigger Xiaotian’s robbery in the later period of then. How dare you? I think you really don’t want to live."
Kyubi no Youko tian hu was surprised. I didn’t expect this ordinary human not only to call her out, but also to resist her seductive voice. Although he said that his strength is seriously declining now, he is also an ordinary person! ! !
"I mean harassment is also disturbing you. I’ll just bring you something to kill you. Look at your injury. Although Xiaotian’s power is not great, you may not be able to resist yourself." Wentao didn’t want to entangle with her and turned to leave.
"Wait … bang …" Wentao just moved Kyubi no Youko tian hu’s tail to hit a huge pit in front of Wentao.
Wentao stopped and gradually all the forces slowly turned around to face Kyubi no Youko and tian hu again. Wentao was never afraid in wartime.
Kyubi no Youko tian hu looked at Wen Tao carefully. "You are not an ordinary human being. Who sent you?"
Wentao proudly said, "I’ll come and go whenever I want, and I have to be seconded by others."
"If you don’t tell the truth today, I will kill you. Since you know so much, you should know that I don’t need strength to kill you." Kyubi no Youko tian hu threatened.
"Ha ha ….." Wen Tao smiled indifferently and was afraid. "Kill me. I dare to be so relaxed now. Do you think I will have no ability to protect myself here! The most important thing is … "
When Wentao refers to the dark clouds and the thunder flashes faintly, he will split to Xiaotian to rob him. "Armageddon will come soon. You are now injured and say that all narrow escapes are good words. Armageddon will kill me ten times. You can trigger Armageddon faster and let yourself die faster."
Wen Tao’s words are hard to refute in tian hu, Kyubi no Youko.
"I don’t need you to be a humble ordinary person to judge me. Even if I die, I can easily kill you."
Hard words don’t be cruel in the face of death, everyone is guilty. Wentao laughed in his heart, but he was sure of her. At such a close distance, especially for this time, Xiaotian robbed Wentao, which was more sensitive than the apocalypse that triggered Kyubi no Youko and tian hu. The apocalypse has been brewing and he will come down to himself. Although he has the last magic weapon to protect himself, he is not afraid of this. Kyubi no Youko and tian hu don’t need to save things when they are seriously injured.
I’m afraid it’s impossible to leave. If you stay, Kyubi no Youko and tian hu will take advantage of it. Wentao wants to know how to get more benefits. Now this Xiaotian robbery is very attractive to Wentao, because that feeling makes him not want to leave.
Before contact with a few fix true is to cross the Armageddon, the first time I met crossing the Armageddon in Xiaotian, but after the Armageddon, it soared to Xiaotian. At this time, Wentao remembered that Master Gu Han had evaluated tian hu in Kyubi no Youko, and they were naturally influential. The charm collar also had its sensitive ability to all kinds of precious drugs.
"That’s you. If you really dare to start work on me, I’m very responsible for telling you that you will suffer ten thousand times more than dying in Xiaotian." Wentao naturally won’t tell him to bluff more fiercely than her, and even won’t give her a chance to refute. "Xiaotian’s robbery is coming, and I won’t tell you more about a doctor. I can help you through Xiaotian’s robbery, but it’s not cheap to tell you first."
"Can you help me cross the sky?" Drowning people will not let go even if they catch a straw. For nearly two thousand years, Kyubi no Youko tian hu didn’t believe that this ordinary person could help him through the apocalypse, but his expectation for help has been exposed.
Thunder is about to take shape. Wentao shouted, "Now I’ll give you 30 seconds to come up with a diagnosis that will satisfy me and help you cross the sky, or you’ll be ready to die."
When people are desperate, they usually recognize the impossible and believe it at this time.
Is Kyubi no Youko tian hu is very don’t "before crossing the Armageddon, I spent all my Millennium savings and was seriously injured by the enemy’s sneak attack, even the body ring was destroyed …"
Actually, no, he said that Wentao also saw that she was miserable. It is unlikely that she wanted to get something good at once. What a pity that Wentao felt a little distressed when she heard him say that she was spending all her accumulated things for thousands of years! Waves! !
It’s time to wait for Wen Tao’s brain to turn quickly. "Although you don’t have a consultation fee now, I won’t push you out like some other" dirty "doctors. Whether you have to pay this consultation fee or not, the method can be flexible, such as yourself …"
"Boom …" Angry Kyubi no Youko tian hu’s three tails swept the ground at the same time and made a huge roar. Fortunately, Wentao gave her hope that she didn’t immediately attack angrily. "Is it impossible for humans, me, Kyubi no Youko and tian hu to be other monster beasts than to want me to be your spirit beast even if I die?"
The spirit beast cultivator collects some monster beast tools or coolies to completely collect himself through his soul vows.
The number of tian hu clan in Kyubi no Youko is not too small, but they all have pure ancient blood. If it is the royal blood of Kyubi no Youko and tian hu, Buron and Phoenix are both precious, but Wentao is not here and there is no time to talk too much.
"I said I would accept you as a spirit beast!" In fact, Wentao knows in her heart that even if she agrees with her, there is no way to accept it now. Without real power, Wentao is even more generous. "Although you Kyubi no Youko and tian hu are powerful, they are nothing in my eyes. If you are not injured now, my doctor can’t care if you ask me to be a spirit beast. I’m too lazy to ask you to point directly. I’ll help you get through Xiaotian and rob you. When I’m 100 years old, I’ll restore your freedom. After 100 years, you will give me a hand to help me to fix the true world and take some medicines.
Chapter 24 Feeling Xiaotian Robbery


Jin Mang is neither opposed to nor continues to ask this question. Luo Zhenfeng also seriously wants to get up.

"If you don’t count those real hobbies, there will be times when you are tired of playing, but times will always change …"
"Really?" Looked at Luo Zhenfeng Jin Mang.
Jin Mang eyes with a kind of confidence let Luo Zhenfeng have a feeling of facing the boss was Jin Mang look all say no.
Finally, Nai Neng raised his hand and said, "OK, OK … I admit that these things in the secular world are ever-changing and can’t be separated from them. If it takes a long time, it will get tired."
"Ah …" Speaking of which, Luo Zhenfeng suddenly smiled.
He burst out laughing, which made Jin Mang puzzled. "It seems that you have thought of something interesting?"
"Sort of," Luo Zhenfeng nodded with a smile. "You remind me of the time when I was in the secular world. At that time, I often watched movies and movies, and eventually I would discuss the meaning of life. It is generally said that if I live for hundreds or even thousands of years, I will want to die. Everyone around them will die and live forever, but it will bring pain. Listening to your question just now feels a bit like discussing this topic."
After listening to Luo Zhenfeng, Jin Mang said, "I remember when I was chatting with your boss, he told me a story. Two beggars were begging for some food and lying there chatting. One of them looked at the sky and wondered what you said the emperor ate every day. The other said that the emperor must eat steamed bread with white flour every day, and the other nodded. In fact, it is nonsense to let people in the secular world discuss immortality just like beggars imagine the emperor."
"Besides, eternal life …" Jin Mang suddenly sighed slightly. "Is it called eternal life to live for hundreds of thousands of years? Isn’t it true that people in the fix true world are immortal everywhere? Every immortal in the celestial world has tens of thousands of years of practice, not to mention that none of them dare to say that they are immortal. People in the secular world can’t discuss the topic of immortality after reading it. "
I’m dizzy. It’s completely different, but sometimes I feel like a boss.
Jin Mang looked like Luo Zhenfeng again. Luo Zhenfeng knew that he had to answer Jin Mang’s most problematic question.
"If you don’t do anything, you will never get tired of mixing in the secular world for a hundred years. I estimate that you will get tired of some. Of course, maybe it won’t be long. It’s hard to say. After all, it is impossible for the secular world to be destroyed and reborn in tens of thousands of years." Luo Zhenfeng said that this positive answer is no problem.
Those who have gone through several years to fix the truth for more than tens of thousands of years have generally experienced the rise and fall of the secular world.
Ordinary people have gone through a lifetime of tens of thousands of years, and the evolution of the number has taken place, just like people watching epiphyllum or some creatures with very short cycles. In fact, it is the same, and it is a continuous cycle process.
It’s the cycle of the fix-true world that lasts longer, and it’s all about computing, so there will be ups and downs, changes and even destruction.
Higher levels have higher changes in the celestial world, for example.
Jin Mang was satisfied with this answer and nodded, "Now that you know your mentality, you should pull away from it. You can’t change it as it happens."
White … Not white … Pointing … Lessons! Luo Zhenfeng is a little white and not too white. I know that Jin Mang suddenly feels that this should be pointing out himself, but it seems a little too mysterious. I really don’t understand it.
"He’s telling you to have fun, but you need to have a balanced mentality. To put it bluntly, money is like dirt and treats things like nothing." Wen Taoyin sounded in their ears.
Jin Mang’s consciousness didn’t find any trace of Wentao, but he came here for nothing when he thought about it. Wentao must have used Xiaobai to find them at a distance where he couldn’t find them, hear their conversation and communicate with them at the same time.
"Oh … Oh!" Luo Zhenfeng made a snap of his fingers. "Boss, I got it here."
"You’re done."
"Come and look at your game. If you didn’t expect it, it has risen to the theoretical level."
"Ah …" Jin Mang laughed. "Why are you interested?"
"Don’t" Wen Tao refused very firmly. "I didn’t have this interest. I didn’t know you had this hobby."
"Talking about hobbies is a sudden thought of having a chat with you. That’s because your thinking is quite special. I think there should be some special enlightenment." Jin Mang was not in a hurry and said whatever he wanted.
Jin Mang and Luo Zhenfeng are talking to Wen Tao at this time, which is more like talking to themselves. But now the secular world has entered the era of mosaic call, and the micro-phone three-dimensional phone is not a rare object.
No one will look at you more even if you say or shout in the street.
More Kuang Jin Mang and Luo Zhenfeng are at thirty thousand meters high at this time.
"I’m still not interested," Wen Tao said firmly. "It’s too awkward to talk to you now. I can’t say that. I can’t talk about things that have no specific problems. I don’t like it."
"Let’s not talk about it for a while, and soon we can speak freely." Jin Mang also knows that Wentao must be prepared to soar. He said that he will soon reach the celestial world.
Luo Zhenfeng saw the boss at a side and smiled for two times. He didn’t say anything. Obviously, the boss should be on his way.
Luo Zhenfeng is very understanding, "Laojin, with your style and posture, you must be a big man in the celestial world, right?"
"It’s not bad."